Learn everything you need to know about automation in staffing

Download Globus.ai’s comprehensive guide to automation in staffing and get your plans off to the best start.


What’s inside?

  • The key automation and artificial intelligence terms you’re bound to come across in your automation journey. 

  • Ideas on what processes to automate in your staffing firm.  

  • The impact that automation can have on your diversity and inclusion. 

  • A practical checklist to help you get started. 

Get in the know now!

Complete the form and the guide will be emailed to you.

Prepare for the AI age

Embrace all of the opportunities that automation can bring to your firm. 

Scale your processes, make your team more efficient, improve job satisfaction, deepen customer and candidate relationships, and differentiate your firm from competitors. 

Learn how to get started with our useful Guide, compiled by our AI and automation experts.  


Automation in Staffing

85 %

of companies have increased the pace of their digitization since the pandemic started

40 %

of purpose-driven organizations influenced by higher workforce retention

30 %

of purpose-driven organizations influenced by higher levels of inovation

Download the automation in staffing bundle today

After reading it, you’ll know exactly what vendors are talking about when they say “machine learning’ or “computer vision” and how it applies to the staffing sector. You’ll be able to answer your people’s fears of being replaced by machines. Finally, you’ll have a clear way forward in your automation implementation, with a checklist to make sure you’ve covered everything to make your plans a success. 

Download now
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Boost your productivity with Globus AI

There are many widespread trends impacting all parts of staffing, from recruitment to engagement and retention. Ensure your workforce is fit for the future by exploring your options.